If you haven’t already created an account, click here to learn how.
If you do have an account, follow these steps:
- Click the green "Post" button on the home page of your local community, then click the "event" tab.
- Enter the date and time for when your event is happening. Your event will be on the calendar until the time of your event.
- Let people know where your event will be held.
- Describe your event! You can write as much as you’d like here.
- Choose an image for your event. Ideal image size is 1200x900 pixels.
- Click Next, then either click Post or read below to see how to promote your event in nearby areas.
- PROMOTING YOUR EVENT: you can promote your event for $2 per day per Patch. Your event can be highlighted for up to 30 days before your event on the top of the calendar, on the Patch homepage, on article pages, and in email newsletters. Choose nearby communities to share your event in as well as your home Patch, select the dates you'd like your event to be promoted for, then click “Next” to add your payment information and post.
- Click the green "Post" button on the home page of your local community, then click the "classified" tab.
- Choose which category of classified you’re posting.
- Write a headline for your classified. Keep it under 100 characters!
- Write details about your classified in the text box.
- Choose an image for your classified. Ideal image size is 1200x900 pixels.
- Click Next, then either click Post or read below to see how to promote your event in nearby areas.
- PROMOTING YOUR CLASSIFIED: You can promote your classified for $2 per day in every community it’s shared to. Your classified will be highlighted on Patch pages, and in email newsletters. Choose some nearby communities to share your classified to, as well as your home community, choose when you'd like your classified to be promoted, then click “Next” to add your payment information and post.
Post an article:
- Go to the drop-down menu in the top right corner of your page (click on your name)
- Click “Write an Article” or go to my.patch.com/node/add/article
- Select where you would like your article to appear within your home Patch
- Write a headline for your article – 65 characters or less. Keep it concise!
- Write a subheadline. What’s a quick summary of what your article is about?
- Choose an image for your article if you’d like. Ideal image size is 1200x900 pixels.
- Write your article! We have several tools to help with formatting your article how you’d like.
- You can either save your post as a draft (this allows you to come back to it later if you want to add more) or post it right away. Currently, there is no way to preview your article before you post but luckily you can always go back and edit your article as much as you’d like.